So, I realize that this is not every one's favorite topic. And it may seem a little odd or creepy to take pictures of some one's monument for a blog, BUT I did it anyway. My dad passed away last October very suddenly and unexpectedly. He is the first person that I have ever lost and I've learned a lot through this process. Because it was winter time and already snowing by the time we decided on the right monument, they couldn't place the stone until the ground was ready. It has been up for about a month now and I have just now made the first "saddle" to go on top. For the month of March I just had blue and white flowers in a ground vase (which you can get at the Dollar Tree) for March Madness & the only college basketball team that really matters: THE UK WILDCATS!!
Easter is coming up. I wanted something nice in remembrance of Christ's sacrifice for us. That sacrifice has become oh so real to me since the death of my dad. I think prior to that I did take it somewhat for granted. My problem with store bought flowers is that they always look cheap to me. And to have a florist design one, gets to be VERY expensive. So I tried it out myself. My brother and I went to Hobby Lobby and picked out the flowers, which happened to be 50% off that day. All together we had about $25 into this project. That includes flowers, ribbon, wire, and saddle.

The cross in the middle came from the Walmart Craft Section. It cost $2.37. You know the little wooden crafts that they always have. All I did was spray paint it white. I also always go over the flowers with clear spray paint to put a protective coating over them, so they don't get mold or mildew on them. I hear that there is professional spray, but 1)I don't know what it is called 2)Spray paint is only 97 cents & 3)This has always worked for me before!
1 TIP: I tried to use an epoxy to adhere the cross to my styrofoam form. And I know all you pros are out there laughing at me! WELL.... it ate the styrofoam. So then I just attached the cross to a pick and inserted that way. It is pretty steady and the winds are furious today. So I guess we'll find out soon enough if the cross is going to stay in!
Luckily, my grandmother has a friend, who has a friend that owns a flower shop. She gave us some "GREEN STICKY GOO" to adhere the saddle to the stone. If anyone knows what this stuff is called, please let me know because I would love to buy some. It sticks wonderfully and doesn't leave any marks. Its almost like that "putty" stuff you use to hang posters on the wall, but way stickier.
I also think that next time, I will just attach two "sticks" to the bottom of my styrofoam form and use the "GREEN STICKY GOO" to attach the sticks to the headstone. I don't like how the saddle comes down over his name & it's not exactly flat to the top of the stone.
So please let me know how you think I did and if anyone else out there in blogland has made these, give me some tips! I do plan to change it for at least each season, as I have done so far.
Happy Crafting (and sorry for the depressing topic)!