Who hates spending all that money on laundry detergent besides me??? For the past couple of years I have been couponing and it has saved me at least 50% on detergent and fabric softener. BUT, I still hate to pay that much. So, when a friend of mine posted this recipe on facebook, I couldn't help but try it. And the best thing........(drum roll here)........$1.67 per 5 gallon bucket (and the crowd goes wild)!!!!!
Here are the ingredients:
1 Bar Fels Naptha Soap
1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
Now, if you're like me, you've never heard or seen of these products. So I took a picture so you'll know what you're looking for. At my local Walmart they have the Borax & Baking soda. (Which brings me to the fact that apparently washing soda & baking soda are different, but no one I've talked to can find washing soda.) At the Kroger in town, I found the Fels Naptha soap and borax, but couldn't find the big box of washing soda. I know that this is dependant on where you live because of what others have been telling me.
Fill 5 gallon bucket 1/4 full of the hottest tap water you can get & dissolve Fels-Naptha soap.
Step FIVE:
Let sit until bubbles subside & funnel into milk jugs or other container of choice. Use 1/2 cup per load of clothing.
I just got done washing my first load and all seems well! Let me know how it goes for you, or if you have a different recipe that has worked for you. I think the next thing I'm going to try is homemade household cleaner. While I was funneling into the jugs I spilled some on the baseboard and floor in the bathroom & voila... it came sparkling clean:)
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amazing! I didn't even think it was possible to make your own laundry detergent! I'm anxious to give it a try! thanks for sharing!
I always keep those ingredients on hand, but it's been a while since I made detergent. Thanks for the inspiration to get going again!
You're picture of you and your kiddos, is wonderful!
PS) I couldn't sign in to your comments with my new account. I'm Anna @ http://witbehind.com/
Thanks for sharing today!
I have made this type of detergent too with the pink soap - I found something to use it for by chance I have one of those flat electric cooking surfaces that looks like glass - I used a little bit my homemade detergent on it and WOW !SUPER Shiny clean. Sometime those surfaces are harder to clean than you think and this soap did a better job than the special cook top cleaner.
My detergent is powder I disolve it in warm water before adding the 1/2 cup to the machine.
Hey have you tired doing 50/50 water and fabric softner mixture and a sponge - it works just like a fabric sheet
Thanks for the tip. We are building a house right and I wanted the old burner type stove but my husband insisted that the cooktop looks better. I had one before and hated cleaning it! So I'll try that. What is your recipe for the powder and fabric softener?
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