Friday, December 23, 2011
Merry Christmas!
Posted by Jessica S. at 5:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Hello Kitty
Yesterday was my niece Ella's 5th Birthday. My sister in law asked me to make her a Hello Kitty cake. She just wanted it to be the head. So I thought it can't be too hard right? Well, it was probably the easiest cake I have ever made. Here is the end result and then I'll tell you how I cut it out.
Happy Crafting!!
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Posted by Jessica S. at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: baking, cake decorating, Hello Kitty
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Posted by Jessica S. at 11:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: chargers, holiday decor, silhouette, thanksgiving, vinyl
Monday, October 31, 2011
Halloween Fun
Posted by Jessica S. at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: halloween, headbands, keeping halloween hats on, witch
Saturday, October 22, 2011
My Silhouette
Have I told you how much I love my Silouhette!! I had a cricut, hated it, it tore up within 1 month of having it and could NOT get the company to correspond with me. I've had my Silouhette for almost a year now. I didn't use it much while we were in our "transition" house. But now that I'm here, I have room and use it all the time!! I thought I would give you another glance at our new house by showing you one way I have used my silouhette.

I made this lettering with the Silhouette Vinyl. I love it!! And it looks so much better than those tacky stick on letters. How do you use your silouhette??
Happy Crafting!
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Posted by Jessica S. at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: lettering, mailbox, silouhette, vinyl
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Homemade Jewelry Holder
Posted by Jessica S. at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: framed jewelry holder, homemade jewelry holder, jewelry
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Missing My Daddy
It's been a year since my 49 year old father died of a heart attack. I've held up pretty good today, spending the majority of the day with my grandparents (who I love dearly) and my brother. I still think of him every day and just about the time I think all my tears are dry, here they come again. My dad wasn't a perfect dad. But he was mine and I loved him. A lot of people saw a lot of faults but I saw a man that struggled and all the while wanted better for his children. Loved them enough to stay away at times. Loved them enough to say he was wrong. It took me until I was an adult to realize this, but better late than never.
On that morning, my Grandma called to tell me he had passed. I sat on the kitchen floor praying to God that my Daddy was in Heaven. I knew he believed in Jesus. But I've never lost anyone I was close to, so it wasn't something I thought about too much. Of course he was in Heaven, right? But he was a sinner, an alcoholic, not perfect. I've never had a bigger sense of peace than I did at that very moment. God wrapped his arms around me and told me everything was alright. That my Daddy had made it home.
When we went back to his apartment to get his belongings, I found a list of bible verses on his fridge. I don't know where they came from, but I know they were dear to him because they were stained and faded. The title was "You say, God says." You can read them all HERE. It's here that I found the verse that is now on his monument. 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My Grace is Sufficient for You." God never asked my Daddy to be perfect, just that he believe in Jesus and turned over his problems to him.
I always felt like everyone thought of my Daddy as a sinner. I hated that they judged him because I knew who he was underneath his addiction. But the days surrounding his funeral I heard "your Daddy was a special person", "he always had a smile", "he always made me laugh", "he never met a stranger". That was my Daddy and I was so proud that they caught a glimpse of the real him. Anyone who has a family member with an addiction can relate when I say, their addiction is your problem. But I will also tell you that I respect that man probably more than anyone I have ever known. He struggled, and although sometimes misguided, he got up every day and pressed on. Each day determined that he would do better than he had the day before. Some days he did, some days he didn't. He faced people that had given up on him. He faced people that looked down on him. But he kept going. He loved with everything he had. I never had a Daddy that could buy me a new car or take me on fancy vacations. But I had a Daddy that loved me more than life itself. Not everyone can say that! And I miss him dearly.
Remembering my Daddy today, Thomas Lee Rakestraw, "JR". Loved & Missed.
Posted by Jessica S. at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: cemetary, death, saddle flowers, saddles
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Payton's Goodwill Chandelier
Waaaayyyy back in May I started revamping a chandelier that I got at Goodwill. I knew I wanted a cutesy, princess-like light fixture for Payto's new room and hoped I could turn this, into just that! I wish I had taken pictures of the "before" BUT I forgot. So you can picture it. It was BRASS. You know the ones. They fill Goodwill shelves everywhere and if you've been alive for more than 15 years, one of these used to hang in your house or atleast your grandparent's house!
I first took everything apart. A good note would be to draw a diagram about what came from where! My husband had a funny little joke about me trying to be Martha Stewart while the electrician was putting it back together. Good thing the electrician is my uncle! After that, I taped off everything that didn't need to be painted, like the inside of the light socket.
I put on 2 coats of spray paint and that's all it took!
And here is the finished product...................
Happy Crafting!!
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Posted by Jessica S. at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: chandelier, covering lampshadese, DIY, little girls room
Friday, October 14, 2011
It's Been A While
Well boys and girls, it's been a few months since my last post. What have I been doing??
Posted by Jessica S. at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: new construction, new house
Saturday, June 4, 2011
The Garden Is Up
The garden is up and let's hope these 90+ degree days don't kill it before it gets started! The whole family helped plant two weekends ago. See that contraption my husband is using? It is an antique furrower. It's the coolest, simplest thing I've ever seen. It makes your rows.
And two weeks later, we have:
Green Beans
And the rest I have no idea. I could look up pictures of the seedlings, but I know somewhere in this mix is cucumbers, squash, zucchini, watermelon, pumpkin & cantaloupe.
Posted by Jessica S. at 5:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: garden, vegetables
Thursday, June 2, 2011
We have Ceilings!!
House Update: Today they started dry walling the ceilings!! We're getting CLOSER:)
Posted by Jessica S. at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: building, construction, new home