Payton's 3rd birthday is coming soon and she LOOOOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We're having a Minnie Mouse party! I got this idea off the internet, sorry can't give exact site because I don't remember. Made this invite from memory.
These are the things I cut using my Silhouette.
Flower, circle, mickey head & bow.
Then I just found some pretty scrapbook paper with polka dots, cause Minnie LOOOOVES polka dots almost as much as Payton LOOOOOVES Minnie! And HERE is the final project.
One thing I do want to share, especially for those of you who have a silhouette and would like more fonts available to you. I got the Waltograph font from HERE. And the instructions on how to download and use the font HERE. You can use this information to download any available font!!!
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Here you go :)
Thanks Sarah!
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